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Category Archives: Web Design Houston

We specialize in developing e-business solutions, for small and medium sized businesses. From coast to coast we have proven to be the logical choice. With over 10 years experience in the e-business, we have been providing our clients with excellence in on line marketing & web site marketing solutions.

TOP 5 Reasons Why Content Marketing Is Important For Your Marketing Efforts

TOP 5 Reasons Why Content Marketing Is Important For Your Marketing Efforts

Relentlessly screeching to seize the attention of potential and targeted customers, online businesses of all sizes and from all niches are competing with loads of noise. Consumers are trimming down the clutter through fast-forwarding TV shows, ad-free digital radio subscriptions, blocking ads with software and personalizing their social media feeds.
To avoid given a slow pass by the online audiences or getting ignored, professional digital marketers should create messages that their targeted online audience desires to see. When the companies interact with their customers through delivering them relevant information rather than offering a sales pitch, the targeted consumer will surely listen. Through doing this your message and your brand will no longer be an disturbance, rather a valued information provider.

This tactic is called “CONTENT MARKETING”, which requires digital marketers to constantly create and distribute information that is valuable and appropriate to those individuals into a business’s target audience. Eventually, the objective is to use your content to attract a customer for doing business with your company, buy your offerings and retain customers.
Read on the five specific reasons why you require a content marketing as an integral part of your overall marketing strategy NOW!

Check Out the TOP 5 Reasons Why Content Marketing Is Important For Your Marketing Efforts:

1. Build Credibility: Online audiences are getting increasingly contemptuous and they know exactly while a brand endeavors to sell them a marketing message or make disgraceful claims. Millions of online users make use of ad-blockers in their browsers and smart phones in 2018.

The key to reduce that doubt is through building credibility. If businesses can prove to their online audience that you are a reliable and valuable source of information then, you have reached halfway to win their trust and garner their attention.

Blogs play a significant role in content marketing and are one of the most credible and reliable sources of information online. Through adding value to each piece of content you publish online, businesses can become an important and credible source in your industry and before you even know it, your audience will start sharing your content and your business will get massive online exposure.

2. Establish a Web Traffic Flow: How do customers that don’t know about your brand discover about you? Marketing is the best approach, but it’s pricey and undergoes from the above explained credibility difficulty. Rather, why not concentrate on everyone’s preferred websites? Here we are speaking about search engines and SEO is one the most effective digital marketing strategies online.

If you can find your website right at the top on the SERPs of top search engines like Google and Bing then, you will surely observe a flow of sustainable and organic web traffic towards your website soon. Content marketing is the best technique to reach there with your blog and web content, you can concentrate on long-tail keywords which your online audiences often searches for, and gradually boost your search engine rankings on those keywords with time and brings in long-lasting exposure to your business.

3. Nurture and Enhance Your Network: Every digital marketer knows that a single message would not encourage your targeted audience to quickly become your customers. Rather, they require balanced online exposure of your brand and content at regular intervals of time and with effective content marketing, you can easily reach there.

Firstly, develop content proposed to leave your targeted audiences demanding for more of the same. Then, convince and encourage them to sign up for more, either via an email subscription or a call-to-action which leads to opened content. The more organic and natural will be the follow up, the more expected your target audience will follow you along.

After some time, share free content and assure them to share more high-quality content in only a sign up away will considerably boost your lead generation. The more opportunities you have to offer them with your content that they want to read, the more liable they would be to finally become customers.

4. Elucidate Your Value Proposals: Particularly, if your offerings require more than one sentence to explicate to your audience, content marketing can provide another precious benefit. Instead of getting restricted to a marketing message, you can make use of blog posts, infographics, whitepapers and videos to explicate exactly how your brand can be your audience.

If you cannot temporarily explain that how your product solves an audience’s problem then, you might too stop making efforts. But if your companies have already established flourishing approaches to interact a more comprehensively message to your audience, you may use similar digital channels for space in elucidating the primary value proposition and advantages of your business.

You require building strong buying personas prior to getting engaged in marketing. Placing your message and business value proposition, you require knowing who you are speaking to. Take some time to build these personas through getting indulged in customer surveys, data mining of present customers and internal thinking sessions. Then take this data and carve your messaging accordingly.

5. Establish a Strong Digital Marketing Base: Eventually, your content marketing endeavors must not require being an objective unto their own. Rather, they can act as the backbone of a more comprehensive marketing approach which encompasses your entire digital efforts.

The same fundamental content standards can stimulate your website, social media presence and e-mail marketing approach. Businesses can even take out content pieces from one digital channel and then use them in another.

Additionally, content must act as a lead-generating tool for your business. By effective emails, businesses can easily nurture their leads further to capitalize on your customer acquirement efforts. Eventually, through offering high-quality and elite content to existing customers and businesses can amplify their customer retention rate. Above everything, content marketing is very cost-effective.

Simply commencing a business blog, creating opened content and growing your social media presence could be achieved with a lot of efforts. Particularly startups merely commencing out, you require finding the right approach to insert yourself into industry interactions without spending much. This is what makes content marketing a perfect fit for your business.

The Conclusion:

Understanding the key why’s and how’s is essential to find out the way of your content marketing strategy. That is the reason why businesses cannot stress enough just how essential it is to build an exceptional approach for your brand. This would save a lot of time and irritation in future, and allow you to attain concrete outcomes within a reasonable tenure of time.

Top 5 Reasons Why Video Marketing Is Important For Your Marketing Efforts

Top 5 Reasons Why Video Marketing Is Important For Your Marketing Efforts

2017 has been a revolutionary year for digital marketers and Video Marketing . As per the latest stats, around 63% of online businesses have commenced making use of video marketing and around 82% of online businesses believe that video marketing is an extremely significant part of their digital marketing strategy.
Video is emerging and evolving speedily and will surely reach new horizons of success way sooner than web marketers think and helps them attain a higher ROI in 2018 and beyond. But if you have not used this technique properly till now then, you may still have certain doubts like- whether it is actually worth using videos for marketing your business online? Or do you have adequate resources to build and use video content in your digital marketing?

The answer is very simple: Yes, it is definitely worth it. Video is one of the most resourceful and cost-effective digital marketing approaches. Read on to know the 5 reasons why digital marketers must make use of video marketing NOW.

Check Out the Top 5 Reasons Why Video Marketing Is Important For Your Marketing Efforts:

1. Audiences Adore Watching Videos: It is no more a secret for web marketers that audiences spend one-third of online activity time to watch videos that showcases an average of 32.3 videos per month. It is quite easy to recognize why individuals adore videos so much- they are very enjoyable and simple to watch and understand.

Individuals perceive businesses that make use of videos to be more savvy and fascinating compared to those which don’t use it. This speedily rising zeal amongst people to watch videos does not change for online stores: Around 30% of online buyers want more videos from ecommerce websites that includes detailed product descriptions, customer testimonials and tutorials.

To make individuals watch your video, you require concentrating on engagement, which means you need to create videos that are fascinating, enjoyable and simple to understand. This encourages individuals to watch the entire video and amplifies the chances of people getting influenced through it. It is extremely significant to make your videos load properly.

2. Video Generates Better and More Organic Web Traffic: Organic traffic acts as one of the biggest drivers of online audiences to any online store. Organizations invest a lot of time and money to get connected to high-quality websites.

Doing so can assist online stores amplify the authority of their website, that in turn, will assist them amplify their position in the search engine rank pages and the amount of organic web traffic they receive. The higher the website quality in the eyes of top search engines, the more it would be able to attract organic web traffic. Top search engines analyze the quality of your website through one key metric that is its bounce rate.

If a website drives its online visitors away soon after browsing through a website, top search engines conclude that website is of low quality. Those websites which can keep their online visitors for a long time tend to rank higher on the top search engines.

If businesses can manage to trim down the bounce rate of their website then, they can drive more organic web traffic. Engaging your online visitors with your ecommerce store is one of the best approaches to trim down your bounce rate. Since, videos have very high levels of engagement and help your website attract more organic web traffic.
Prior to making use video marketing for your store, you should be able to differentiate between two types of videos- firstly there are sales-focused videos that comprise product demos, customer testimonials and marketing videos. These videos work wonders, but only after a customer is all set to make a purchase. Secondly, there are engagement-centric videos that aim to educate visitors and make them know more about your company and its products and services.

3. Audiences Use Videos to Know More about Your Offerings: As an entrepreneur, you get amazed but not affected with the increasing significance of videos and engagement. We all know that individuals like watching videos, but how does that positively impact your business? Businesses want visitors to understand and think about your offerings and purchase them, not just enjoy watching them and up vote them on YouTube.

Videos play an extremely vital role in the buying-decision process. Nearly 98% of the visitors adore watching explainer videos to know more about different products and services and are helpful in the purchase decision process.

The key reason why numerous visitors adore watching videos has a profound relationship with the way video affects in what manner they process and comprehend the data. Visitors that watch videos retain around 95% of a message in comparison to 10% while they read it through text.

As per the latest study performed by Google, nearly 50% of web users search videos associated to a product or service prior to visiting a store. The massive power videos have in the buying decision process explains the reason why 93% of companies that make use of videos believe that it has amplified user understanding about their offerings which affects their conversion rates.

4. Video Generates More Conversions: As videos have a massive impact in the buying decision process, it is quite obvious it will assist you boost your conversion rates. Nearly all visitors that have watched an explainer video for understanding more about a product or service finally purchased it. That same study found 77% of consumers say they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a video and engage with your brand.

Online buyers that have viewed demo videos are more likely to buy your products and services compared to the non-viewers. The higher probability of individuals purchasing a product all thanks to videos assist in increasing the conversion rate significantly- websites which make use of videos have a conversion rate of around 4.8%, than 2.9% for those that don’t make use of videos and around 76% of companies which use videos strongly believe that it will deliver them a higher ROI.

5. Web Marketers Thinks Videos Are Extremely Useful: Visitors adore videos and it can assist you draw more web traffic and attain more conversions. But have you thought what do web marketers think about your video? Yes, they do! Nearly 87% of web marketers make use of video content to nurture their businesses, while few others believe that videos are an extremely important part of their digital marketing strategy.

The Conclusion:

While reading this post, you may have found numerous facts which have proven the amplifying power of video marketing for any online business. Video marketing assists your targeted consumers know more about your business, brand and your offerings and leave a huge impact on your buyer’s decision-making process.

Marketing Strategies for Mobile Web Sites

Marketing Strategies for Mobile Web Sites

In today’s fast changing and dynamic world all the companies are looking forward to promote their product and services to a wide range of customers in a shorter span of time. Hence in order to put their idea into action they use various methods of marketing strategies. One of those marketing strategies is the mobile marketing concept. As the name suggests the mobile marketing concept is the strategy of marketing that is done by using or on a mobile device for example smart phone or a tablet PC.

There are various facets of mobile marketing strategy that is used by the advertising companies. Few of those facets are SMS marketing, MMS marketing, push marketing, app-based marketing, in-game mobile marketing, QR codes, mobile responsive website marketing and many others. Through the mobile marketing strategy the advertisers can send more personalized and time and location sensitive promotional matters to their potential customers in order to promote their products, services or ideas.


How relevant is your web site content ?

If you’re not asking about your web site relevancy, you’re definitely failing at SEO . No one knowsfor sure exactly how specific factors affect rankings, But as a general rule of thumb, always prudent ask yourself regularly : What more can I offer the users who I want to attract ? How can I be the most relevant website on a particular topic ? This means an abundance of informativeweb site content, and a diversity of web site & blog content that a user might be interested in. Don’t just load your site down with text. Make sure to include PDFs, videos,case studies , testimonials , FAQ’s and even links to outside resources that would be helpful for your users. Do anything you can to make your site extremely user relevant and useful for a visiting user, even if that means providing links to outside resources. All This will help you rank higher in search engines results for your key words .

Our 4 easy steps… to your NEW web site !

Our 4 easy steps… to your NEW web site !

1. Web site project 1st Meeting and Consultation

This is the first step in realizing your web site. By this point, we’ve had some preliminary conversations over the phone regarding our services and your web site goals and needs , your domain name registration. Now it’s time to dig in to what you really want for your business website. We’ll discuss your goals and look and feel , logo designs if needed , specific pages and options, budgets, as well as timelines and expectations for both parties .

2. Web site project Agreement and First Payment

Once we’ve discussed your web site goals and options and you’re ready to commit to move forward, we’ll sign a project agreement and the first payment will be made. Timelines will be set, and the design phase will begin. (The first payment is 33% of the total web site project cost.)

3. Review and Discussion of Design Layouts

All our web site packages include one to two design layouts. A “ lay out ” is a static image representation of what your final site will look like. You’ll choose a look from our layout , and we’ll then discuss the various available options, changes to layout etc . Production Site & various stages of the web site project & finished and final coded web site will be posted in our servers .

4. Final Payment Implementation of Live Web Site

Once you’ve signed off on the final production site, the final payment is due. Once payment has been made, the production site is transferred to the public hosting account area, and is now 100% live to the public. – we offer two weeks of text/image updates free of charge. We offer update and maintenance on a regular basis, epromotionz offers discounted retainer contracts or pay-as-you-go hourly rates.

That’s it ! 4 steps to a new live web site It can’t get much easier than that.

Houston Web Design, Blog Design , Web Marketing Services

Good Web design is essential to every online property. Whether generating leads or selling products, an attractive and functional , usable web site design will keep users on your site. On the other hand, a poor design or confusing navigation will chase users away and most of them will never come back.

A tag line is a statement or a motto that represents your company’s website philosophy & your brand’s value proposition and mission. It should be the most obvious element on a website’s front page and clearly describe the web site valur and promise in one phrase. Statistics show that a web site has just eight seconds to capture a visitor’s attention and cue them to browse the site further. Without a clear tag line a web site will have a hard time keeping visitors long enough to browse the inner pages.

andyalagappan.com   is a leading web design, Blog design , web marketing and e- marketing solutions company. We specialize in developing e-business solutions, for small and medium sized businesses. From coast to coast we have proven to be the logical choice. With over 10 years experience in the e-business, we have been providing our clients with excellence in on line marketing & web site marketing solutions.

Our social media marketing consultation : Social media usage and popularity continues to grow . Customers have the desire to share and learn and conduct reaearch online regarding issues that affect them. Social media sites like facebook , twitter , linkedin etc … etc … etc gives them the platform to do it.

So even though it is a hot topic nowadays, just having a facebook page and some fans isn’t a social media strategy. While social media marketing done properly will give you the unparalleled ability to communicate directly with your customer base with useful information , you need to have a plan. call us today !

The Web is going social and you need be in the conversation. By ignoring it , it wont go away ! This is not a passing Fad !

Vist our social media marketing page .

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