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Category Archives: Social Media Marketing Houston

we only select the best sites which can get you to your desired audience. The NEED to harness the power of social media for your business is apparent here. It’s an absolute must for building brand, positioning yourself as an expert, driving qualified web site traffic, and connecting with your customers.

B2B SEO Texas: Brand development

A B2B company brand is a combination of objectives and ideas. This brand, when properly advertised by strategic methods as done by a proven and experienced SEO Houston Agency, develops into a marking which briefly describes the ultimate product. The brand creates a way for the customers to buy. Many a times the inner component breaks down leading to a weak link in the brand but if all parts are perfectly fitting they become a tangible asset.

A product in the last step i.e. the retailer’s shop before reaching the consumer too can affect the brand name. In case the receptionist does not answer the phone decently or the salesman at the shop is not respectful the customer would avoid that shop leading to the brand getting a bad remark. SEO services helps in getting the brand an identity in the internet through a website optimization by proper planning and implementation increasing the website exposure in the B2B market.

internet marketing services agencies set their own goals of providing high quality resources to business houses through the various choices available. These SEOs aim to achieve ranking in the top for their clients in the search engines. The resources include generating leads, automating business and advertising services using them Google adwords and other pay per click services. These experienced SEO‘s are honest, open, communicative and competitive to get positive results and strive to be upfront in the site.

Call us today for your FREE 30 min web marketing strategy session . Andy @ 281-570-5804 .

Role Of SEO In Business To Business Marketing

Businesses are going global. Small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs are now aiming at expanding their businesses and increasing their revenue by acquiring overseas customers. Corporate power houses spend enormous amounts on advertising and media to acquire bigger customer base. Small and medium enterprises and start ups cannot invest hefty amounts in capital expenditure; however they need to acquire more customers. SEO helps such businesses effectively.

seoHoustonweb.com plays a pivotal role in the business To Business Marketing . It helps to increase the visibility of the business on search engines . Increased visibility on the World Wide Web would mean that more customers would find your website in their key word search results. This would result in increasing the prospect base. Higher prospects would mean more leads; more leads means higher chances of sales conversion. On going monthly SEO process thus helps you indirectly increase your sales. It creates a distinct identity for you online. SEO therefore helps you to build brands .it also gives you a competitive edge in the market.

SEO and its various techniques contribute greatly towards increasing the returns on investment. They allow an informal medium of interaction with the customers. They popularize your business and help you gain a firm foot hold in the market. One cannot deny the importance of SEO and relevant techniques to improve your business and business relationships. One must however understand that SEO isn

B2B Marketing with Video

Video Marketing

Did you know?

Video boost conversion rates by an average of 9%.
(Internet Retailer, October 2010)

Products that have videos are 95% more likely to be bought.
(Internet Retailer, April 2010)

Video adds two minutes to visitors’ stays on retail sites.
(Comscore, August 2010)

Video increases the likelihood of a front-page Google search result by 96% with proper page optimization.(Forrester, January 2010)

Call us today for your FREE 30 min web VIDEO marketing strategy session . Andy @ 281-570-5804 .

Winning Customers With Industrial marketing

Industrial Marketing isn’t a new concept. Businesses have been operating on basic concepts of industrial marketing for ages now. Traders used to tie up with whole sellers to get competitive pricing advantage. The new age businesses follow the same principle. They ask for tenders / bids from different companies or vendors and then do a cost and quality comparison and settle for the best quality at the most competitive prices. Industrial marketing is an on going process. One needs to attract more and more customers and establish newer relationships to gain more revenue and increase the turnover.

Entrepreneurs have realized that they need to focus on winning customers. You can win customers by publicizing your business. The most important aspect of publicizing your business is to have a web site. One should hire a good web design Houston professional to design their business web site. Once the site is live you can hire the best Houston SEO Company or professional to optimize your website for the search engines. One can also take a step forward and employ Houston social media marketing services to tap the potential of social media and social networking sites.

Once you have managed to drive traffic to your site, you should start concentrating on converting the traffic into leads and then moving these leads into sales. You should be prompt in handling the customer inquiries. Many a times you may get business because of the quick turnaround time to your associates query. Winning customers is the most important factors in success of industrial marketing Texas.

Call us today for your FREE 30 min web marketing strategy session . Andy @ 281-570-5804 .

B2B Social Media Marketing !

B2B Social Media Marketing !

SEO = search engine optimization & social media marketing providers offer different innovative sources through which companies can grow and excel in their respective fields. There are innumerable practices through which one can garner huge amount of publicity. One needs to search new and innovative techniques for marketing. Following are some of the practices of social media marketing:

 Always Respond: Whether it is good or bad, do not hesitate to respond as a show host. People need to get a feeling of getting in direct contact with show hosts.

 Listen Attentively: Many people have the habit of not listening attentively. Such people keep on arguing and proving themselves right. You need to remember that audience is the key for success of a business.

 Consistency is the Key: People failing in social media marketing do not follow this rule properly. You need to come up with unique and fresh content on a regular basis, as this can enhance your market reputation and make your brand famous.

Did You Know:? Approximately 30 million people use social networking sites on a daily basis !

Call us today for your FREE 30 min web marketing strategy session . Andy @ 281-570-5804 .

Social Media Marketing

A major marketing strategy that is gaining popularity today is Social media marketing, which makes use of social media websites like Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and the like to connect with potential and existing customers. These are websites that are extremely popular in connecting friends and family members and can be used to create business relationships amongst likeminded individuals. Through such sites, you can share videos, photos as well as comments on a variety of topics, which ultimately leads to increase in traffic to your website. Increased traffic signals increased profitability, which incidentally is the ultimate aim of every business. This can also be called another form of target oriented advertising as these sites ultimately help group likeminded individuals, who are then introduced to your product or service.

Using Social Media Effectively

The simplest way to ensure maximum success in social media is to provide shareable material with your customers or subscribers. In other words, a video or some content or photographs can be shared with your existing customers or group, allowing them to distribute it virally. Viral distribution of your content is very easy through such media and will therefore increase your customer base exponentially.

Social media websites

With the increasing popularity of this medium of marketing, it is hardly surprising that there is a deluge of social media websites in the World Wide Web today. Irrespective of the topic in question, there is a group formed which caters to it, whether it is new mothers group or a group of people interested in sports like skateboarding and the like. The kind of website you would choose for a particular topic would however, fall within these broad categories, namely,

• Business oriented websites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Ryze etc for business related groups
• Casual websites like Twitter, MySpace and Youtube for general topics of wide interest and informal conversations, and
• Sites like Amazon, Yelp, Kudzu and Google Help for reviewing the various sites available on the internet.

Call us today for your FREE 30 min web marketing strategy session . Andy @ 281-570-5804 .

Social Media Enhances Brand Visbility

Facebook , Twitter ,LinkedIn promises to be a great places to create brand awareness among your target audience – since the visitors are more interested in knowing the background of the company which will contribute much towards quality lead generation.

Facebook and Twitter are clearly places for nurturing relationships with interested stakeholders. It’s a place companies can share some good content and create awareness about what they do – which will directly result in Lead generation.

A recent study by an online marketing automation service provider, for 218 companies with a social media presence from February through April of this year. The results overwhelmingly showed that visitors who arrived at corporate websites via Twitter and Facebook engaged mostly with content – specifically a company’s blog – about us — services.

Social Media Strategy Development


Social Media Strategy Development
We help to Identify contextual content, brand value proposition messages, with the greatest potential for our clients’ social media engagement.
We help Create a roadmap based on our clients marketing goals and help coordinate and execute social media marketing campaigns as a key component of the overall on going search engine marketing strategy execution .

Social Media Distribution
We also help and write and Optimize press releases,content articles , videos and other online media to maximize distribution throughout social media networks .

Social Media Campaign Management
We also Manage clients’ social media initiatives in coordination with our clients other search engine optimization and paid search marketing efforts.

“85 percent of business owners surveyed said that social media was indeed generating exposure for their businesses.” -Entrepreneur / April 2010

“74 percent of small business owners, which have been using social media , say it’s
helped them close business.” “Seventy-three percent reported a significant rise in search
engine rankings.” -Inc. Magazine / April 2010

Americans spend nearly a quarter of their time online on social networking sites and blogs.

Americans spend nearly a quarter of their time online on social networking sites and blogs, up from 15.8 percent just a year ago (43 percent increase) according to new research released today from The Nielsen Company. The research, entitled What Americans Do Online, revealed that Americans spend a third their online time (36 percent) communicating and networking across social networks, blogs, personal email and instant messaging.

Despite the almost unlimited nature of what you can do on the web, 40 percent of US online time is spent on just three activities – social networking, playing games and emailing leaving a whole lot of other sectors fighting for a declining share of the online pie,” said Nielsen analyst Dave Martin.

Email Remains Top on Mobile Internet Activities

The way US consumers spend their Internet time on their mobile phones paints a slightly different picture to that of Internet use from computers. In a Nielsen survey of mobile web users, there is a double-digit (28 percent) rise in the prevalence of social networking behavior, but the dominance of email activity on mobile devices continue with an increase from 37.4 percent to 41.6 percent of US mobile Internet time.

Social Media Marketing Houston . Texas

Social Media Marketing Services Texas

Here are some of the facts about social media usage

Facebook alone has more than 300 million active users and HALF of those users log in on any given day.
20% of US adults use Twitter or some similar “status update service” (Pew Research Center).
77% of active Internet users read blogs.
More than 4 in 5 bloggers post product or brand reviews and blog about products they love or hate.
27 billion people—11% of all internet users—consumed podcasts in 2009.
By 2013, podcast consumption is predicted to exceed 37 billion users, which is projected to be about 17% of all Internet users.
The top 5 article web sites attract 20 million viewers per month.
The top 10 social book marking web sites attract more than 80 million visitors each month.

The NEED to harness the power of social media for your business is apparent here. It’s an absolute must for building brand, positioning yourself as an expert, driving qualified web site traffic, and connecting with your customers.

You Tube, FaceBook, MySpace, Flickr.com have huge traffic volume. In order for your business to plug into these web 2.0 and social media properties , you need proven / experienced experts like us @ epromotionz who can help market your business. There are thousands of Social Media web sites, but we only select the best sites which can get you to your desired audience.

We will regularly generate Social Media content for you in blogs , writing custom subject matter articles to creating profiles on Social Networking web sites or creating viral videos and distributing them on social media properties like YouTube . or creating a presentation around your Unique Value Proposition and publishing the presentation on major presentation websites. We know that No two companies are the same so , we create a custom social media marketing plan based on your unique business requirements and your target Audience.

With the massive reach of social news sites, the blogs/ content we create for you will build natural links to your main web site.

we only select the best sites which can get you to your desired audience.

www.SEOHoustonblog.com provides PROVEN Web marketing Solutions . Must LOOK into an ” SEO Agency’s ” actual track record , # of projects done , # of full time staff PRIOR to engaging with them. Buyer Beware . call Andy @ 281-570-5804 for 30 MIN CONSULTATION.

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