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Category Archives: B2B SEO

Mobile Web Sites for Smart Phones

Mobile Web Sites for Smart Phones :Apple, Google’s Android, and RIM’s Blackberry.

Today, more than six in 10 (64%) of local mobile content users own smartphones. The most popular smartphones used for local searches range across the three major platforms: Apple, Google’s Android, and RIM’s Blackberry.

Accessing local content via mobile applications is also on the rise. While local mobile content users most frequently access local content via a browser (73%), about 56% of local content users do so through an application, up 34% year-over year.

What are the key takeaways?

With so many consumers using mobile to conduct local business searches, local businesses can no longer ignore mobile as an advertising medium.

Local businesses should invest in building mobile-friendly websites so consumers can easily access their content in mobile browsers. Restaurants, for example, should prepare mobile-friendly menus and reservations tools.

Local businesses should ensure they are listed among all major online business directories, ranging from Internet Yellow Pages to local search sites such as CitySearch and Yelp, so that consumers can easily find them no matter what service they are using. They should also check to make sure their listings appear among listings in popular local search applications.
Given the high percentage of local mobile content accessed by smartphones with GPS capability, local businesses should explore whether opportunities to advertise via location-based advertising platforms such as Foursquare and Gowalla make sense for them.

source : “State of Local Search” study, prepared by comScore for the Local Search Association,

Call us today for a FREE SEO / Mobile marketing Campaign analysis for your business @ 281-570-5804 .

Internet Marketing, SEO Service !

Internet Marketing, also known as online marketing or digital marketing, means promoting your products or services on the internet. There are different types of Internet marketing models like E-commerce, Affiliate marketing and Niche internet marketing. In E-commerce model, goods and services are directly sold to the consumers (e.g.: Amazon.com) or businesses (e.g.: American Express open) or directly from customer to customer (e.g. eBay.com). Affiliate Marketing is a type of internet marketing where the product is developed by one company and sold by another company earning commission on every transaction made (e.g.: Kayak.com). Niche internet marketing deals with selling of specialized products and goods, for example, ikea promotes high level marketing of Home Furniture whereas Buycouchesonline.com focuses specifically on Couches and Sofas.

Whichever model you use, make sure to take advantage of SEO service. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which is a process of improving the visibility of your webpage or website in a given search engine. It can be done via paid or unpaid listings. For example, when you use ‘Google’ to search any website, the top most highlighted results as well as the ones on the right hand side bar are the paid listings whereas the rest of them are natural or un-paid listings. SEO service helps you by putting your website on the top of these searched pages thus making it more visible. The higher the site appears in the search results, the more number of clients or customers it will gain.

SEO service providers incorporate SEO strategies and algorithm in your website changing its HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) code and the web appearance in order to improve its visibility over the net. SEO service providers help in improving your website page rank with the desired key words and phrases by using the search engine optimization techniques and implement internet marketing campaign to benefit you in staying ahead with your competitors. Those SEO service providers that adhere to the guidelines and rules set up by search engine giants, like Google, Yahoo or Bing, are called as White Hat SEO whereas those using illegal techniques and methods to improve the website visibility are called as Black Hat SEOs.

Call us today for a FREE local SEO marketing Campaign analysis for your business @ 281-570-5804 .


Google Director of Local & B2B Markets Sam Sebastian says that shopping drivers are now based on “stimulus,” “the first moment of truth,” and “zero moment of truth.” The zero moment of truth – ZMOT – is based on passive information sought by consumers.

It is reflected well in an evaluation of Google data from Jan. 2007 to December 2010 in the U.S., UK, Brazil, France and Germany. During that period, searches for reviews were up 98 percent; searches for coupons were 339 percent; Local search was up 177 percent; and searches for weight loss were up 154 percent. Eighty-three percent generally rely on “trust places” like user ratings or product reviews, says Sebastian, citing data recently released by Booz Allen.

“New behavior drives a surge in search volume,” says Sebastian. “You have to sell; have to optimize; and sell to repeat customers. (Especially when) they are making the emotional part of their decision.”

Call us today for a FREE local SEO marketing Campaign analysis for your business @ 281-570-5804 .

B2B SEO Texas: Brand development

A B2B company brand is a combination of objectives and ideas. This brand, when properly advertised by strategic methods as done by a proven and experienced SEO Houston Agency, develops into a marking which briefly describes the ultimate product. The brand creates a way for the customers to buy. Many a times the inner component breaks down leading to a weak link in the brand but if all parts are perfectly fitting they become a tangible asset.

A product in the last step i.e. the retailer’s shop before reaching the consumer too can affect the brand name. In case the receptionist does not answer the phone decently or the salesman at the shop is not respectful the customer would avoid that shop leading to the brand getting a bad remark. SEO services helps in getting the brand an identity in the internet through a website optimization by proper planning and implementation increasing the website exposure in the B2B market.

internet marketing services agencies set their own goals of providing high quality resources to business houses through the various choices available. These SEOs aim to achieve ranking in the top for their clients in the search engines. The resources include generating leads, automating business and advertising services using them Google adwords and other pay per click services. These experienced SEO‘s are honest, open, communicative and competitive to get positive results and strive to be upfront in the site.

Call us today for your FREE 30 min web marketing strategy session . Andy @ 281-570-5804 .

Role Of SEO In Business To Business Marketing

Businesses are going global. Small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs are now aiming at expanding their businesses and increasing their revenue by acquiring overseas customers. Corporate power houses spend enormous amounts on advertising and media to acquire bigger customer base. Small and medium enterprises and start ups cannot invest hefty amounts in capital expenditure; however they need to acquire more customers. SEO helps such businesses effectively.

seoHoustonweb.com plays a pivotal role in the business To Business Marketing . It helps to increase the visibility of the business on search engines . Increased visibility on the World Wide Web would mean that more customers would find your website in their key word search results. This would result in increasing the prospect base. Higher prospects would mean more leads; more leads means higher chances of sales conversion. On going monthly SEO process thus helps you indirectly increase your sales. It creates a distinct identity for you online. SEO therefore helps you to build brands .it also gives you a competitive edge in the market.

SEO and its various techniques contribute greatly towards increasing the returns on investment. They allow an informal medium of interaction with the customers. They popularize your business and help you gain a firm foot hold in the market. One cannot deny the importance of SEO and relevant techniques to improve your business and business relationships. One must however understand that SEO isn

Why B2B Firms should Consider ongoing SEO Services?

Search engine optimization or SEO is a must for your business web site . SEO refers to an umbrella of the activities that are undertaken by the SEO firms are social media marketing services and SEO services.

If you are a start up or a small or medium enterprise that is looking to attract more customers and have a steady trickle of revenue, than you must consider the SEO services. For novices; SEO services refer to an array of activities aimed at attracting higher traffic and increasing the visibility of your business. SEO services enhance the productivity of your site by making it more visible on the World Wide Web. Increased visibility on World Wide Web would refer to increased base of prospective leads. One needs to understand that SEO services can only help you indirectly to generate leads, converting these prospects into customers is completely in your control. Also SEO is an ongoing activity; it will take time to show considerable results. Expecting overnight results is only going to cause disappointments

Hiring a proven SEO services agency will help you to create a niche in the market. It will help you to achieve a distinguished identity amongst your competitors. Not only that, it will help you create a global presence and contribute strongly to your returns on investment. Always hire experts from the industry, who will provide you ethical results . Do your due deligence , it ‘s your brand name that’s at stake here ! Don’t be lab rat for newbie small SEO agency who has little experience !

Call us today for your FREE 30 min web VIDEO marketing strategy session . Andy @ 281-570-5804 .

B2B Marketing with Video

Video Marketing

Did you know?

Video boost conversion rates by an average of 9%.
(Internet Retailer, October 2010)

Products that have videos are 95% more likely to be bought.
(Internet Retailer, April 2010)

Video adds two minutes to visitors’ stays on retail sites.
(Comscore, August 2010)

Video increases the likelihood of a front-page Google search result by 96% with proper page optimization.(Forrester, January 2010)

Call us today for your FREE 30 min web VIDEO marketing strategy session . Andy @ 281-570-5804 .

Winning Customers With Industrial marketing

Industrial Marketing isn’t a new concept. Businesses have been operating on basic concepts of industrial marketing for ages now. Traders used to tie up with whole sellers to get competitive pricing advantage. The new age businesses follow the same principle. They ask for tenders / bids from different companies or vendors and then do a cost and quality comparison and settle for the best quality at the most competitive prices. Industrial marketing is an on going process. One needs to attract more and more customers and establish newer relationships to gain more revenue and increase the turnover.

Entrepreneurs have realized that they need to focus on winning customers. You can win customers by publicizing your business. The most important aspect of publicizing your business is to have a web site. One should hire a good web design Houston professional to design their business web site. Once the site is live you can hire the best Houston SEO Company or professional to optimize your website for the search engines. One can also take a step forward and employ Houston social media marketing services to tap the potential of social media and social networking sites.

Once you have managed to drive traffic to your site, you should start concentrating on converting the traffic into leads and then moving these leads into sales. You should be prompt in handling the customer inquiries. Many a times you may get business because of the quick turnaround time to your associates query. Winning customers is the most important factors in success of industrial marketing Texas.

Call us today for your FREE 30 min web marketing strategy session . Andy @ 281-570-5804 .

B2B Social Media Marketing !

B2B Social Media Marketing !

SEO = search engine optimization & social media marketing providers offer different innovative sources through which companies can grow and excel in their respective fields. There are innumerable practices through which one can garner huge amount of publicity. One needs to search new and innovative techniques for marketing. Following are some of the practices of social media marketing:

 Always Respond: Whether it is good or bad, do not hesitate to respond as a show host. People need to get a feeling of getting in direct contact with show hosts.

 Listen Attentively: Many people have the habit of not listening attentively. Such people keep on arguing and proving themselves right. You need to remember that audience is the key for success of a business.

 Consistency is the Key: People failing in social media marketing do not follow this rule properly. You need to come up with unique and fresh content on a regular basis, as this can enhance your market reputation and make your brand famous.

Did You Know:? Approximately 30 million people use social networking sites on a daily basis !

Call us today for your FREE 30 min web marketing strategy session . Andy @ 281-570-5804 .

B2B Marketing – employs profitable online marketing strategies

Online B2B Marketing has become the most preferred medium for marketing a brand along with social media marketing. Social media marketing needs to be managed by the most experienced and reliable agency to provide you expert advice and assistance in this field. B2B SEO helps your company to maximize your profits by generating leads and sales. These leads would bring in the desired customers who will email, call, or join a newsletter, request a free report thereby creating the scope for future sales. This in turn helps in the maximization of profits through increased sales.

A proven SEO Agency helps to drive the profits and sales of your company in two basic ways. Firstly, they try to attract the prospective customers or clients who are interested in your company’s products. Lastly, they move your client take the necessary action in acquiring your product once they have visited your website. Acronyms and technical names like PPC, SEO, SMO, etc are specific strategies that a proven B2B Marketing Agency uses to pull in more prospective customers into your website and then getting these visitors to drive your company profits by purchasing your products or services.

An experienced SEO Agency is aware about the fact that around 22 billion searches are done in a single month for information, products, and services. With 90% of these searches being done in google, yahoo and others it becomes easy for online marketers to attract customers towards particular websites and in turn enhancing the traffic to a great extent. Therefore, a proper marketing strategy in B2B Marketing is an essential requisite in achieving higher sales with increased profits. So join hand with a an experienced B2B SEO Agency to take your business to greater heights.

Call us today for your FREE 30 min web marketing strategy session . Andy @ 281-570-5804 .

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